Spring break is upon us and its pretty uneventful so far. We did not go out of town like 90% of the community did. We caught alot of flak from the kids for not planning to go somewhere but honestly it just pretty much slipped my mind to plan something because in the past we have never been able to go anywhere because Hayden was playing baseball and its pretty much "against the law" to leave town if your playing baseball. So it just has never been in my mindset to plan a vacation during spring break...oh well....maybe next year. So Rich has been working and the kids have been playing...friends over everyday, sleepovers etc...trying to make it somewhat fun! Hayden has been working hard doing yard work to pay off his parents for the snowboard "he" bought in October as well as his traffic school costs for his speeding ticket. His good good friend Dolan has been here visiting from Utah and they have been hanging out 24/7 for the most part. He is going on a fishing trip tomorrow with a few of his buddies and is excited about that and he had a big bon fire here tonight with about 20 kids (so i guess not everyone left town) that was a good activity that we will be happy to host again in the future. Austin has been working each day at the theater. Taylor has been hanging out with Dolans little sister. Noah and Sawyer have been hanging out with anyone that is around to hang out with and Quade is pretty board. He loves school and pretty much does not like a change in his routine. He has been listening to his music player pretty much none stop but that's really about it. Its finally warm enough for everyone to play outside and stay out at night jumping on the tramp. In fact, Taylor, Noah and Sawyer have slept outside in the tent or on the tramp every night for the last 4 nights. Ahhhhhhhh it looks like spring is finally here. I am leaving Thursday to chaperon an "EF discovery tour" trip with my sister Lynn. We will be gone for 9 days in chilly Boston, Manhattan and Washington DC. We are really looking forward to that so i have just spent most of my time this week trying to keep the house clean (that's a joke) and trying to keep up with the laundry so that i can leave the house and kids in the trusted hands of my hubby! He is the greatest for letting me go and I love him for letting me do this! thanks Rich, Your the BEST! I will be back after the 6th with more pictures im sure.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Pinewood Derby
Posted by Francie at 8:44 PM Penny for your thoughts... (2)
Derby Video
Here is a video of the Derby when Noah and Sawyer were
in the same race. Sawyer is in the first lane and Noah is in
the last lane.
Posted by Francie at 7:56 PM Penny for your thoughts... (0)
Friday, March 21, 2008
Another birthday!
Posted by Francie at 9:31 AM Penny for your thoughts... (3)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Posted by Francie at 11:41 AM Penny for your thoughts... (2)
San Antonio
Posted by Francie at 11:04 AM Penny for your thoughts... (0)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Im leaving in the morning for Texas! we have an EF meeting there this weekend and Rich has decided for the first time to sit this one out...so i will be traveling with my mom and meeting "the girls" there (you know who you are!! LOL) Im looking forward to it...even though its a meeting we do have alot of fun!! Maybe i will have a picture or two to post when i get back.
See ya when i get back!
Posted by Francie at 11:44 PM Penny for your thoughts...(1)
expensive boys
The "babies" birthday is coming up quick and I decided I cant afford to have 8 year old twins!!
I made a trip over to the book store to get their scouting uniforms since their first pack meeting/pinewood derby is the same night as their birthday. And.....Ghezzz Louise...2 scout shirts, patches for both, 2 scout book, 2 neckerchiefs, and 2 slides for the neckerchiefs....$98!!!!! And I still have to get them scriptures, $64 each without cases to put them in....and ghezzz maybe something FUN for their birthdays!! ...oh and I need to get them some new Sunday clothes for their baptism.... these two are going to break the bank and they are only 8 !!!!!
Posted by Francie at 11:37 PM Penny for your thoughts...(1)
Friday, March 7, 2008
Good News!
Brittnee got the Job at the boys ranch, she starts today and will shadow for a few weeks to be sure she knows all the ins and out and to make sure she is cut out for working with the boys. They let her know that this is much different then the kids shes used to working with as those kids usually WANT to be where they are, doing what they are doing...which is not the case for these boys so we will see how it goes. I think she is excited for and up to the challenge! ...Also Rich came back from taking her to her new home with a glowing report of the place she is living and the people she has met. So moms mind is put at ease for now...whewwww
Posted by Francie at 9:12 AM Penny for your thoughts...(1)
Monday, March 3, 2008
Haydens 18!
Posted by Francie at 2:13 PM Penny for your thoughts... (2)
Saturday, March 1, 2008
hummmm this is the interesting part of being a parent. The part where your kids grow up and make their own plans and have their own ideas and weather you agree or not you have to step back and let them do what they will. Having her move ALL of her stuff from our house, me turning her birth certificate over to her (this was especially hard for some weird reason). And just basically letting go....I told her when she left today that i felt like i was loosing her and i just wanted my little girl back. Don't think that went over well LOL. Its not that we were seeing her often when she lived in Greer but this is just so far away that i feel like we will just never see her now. ok...im babbling now so i will finish this up by saying this....
Posted by Francie at 9:56 AM Penny for your thoughts... (2)