I don't talk much about my feeling regarding Quade and our situation. I don't know why...maybe i don't really understand or know my feelings...maybe i try to avoid my feelings...its just part of our lives so we just carry on as we would with anything else that comes along....
i just read this article....it stirs alot of emotions....understanding, misunderstanding, anger, frustration, sadness, confusion and probably a few more too.
if this is true....then our lives just became more complicated! I always feel like I'm WAY more nervous about taking Quade out then i probably need to be and that people are way more understanding then i imagine. But this article makes me wonder if I'm just way off base.... are people genuine when they say..."no problem" "its ok" when he is being loud or unruly? Is this a shift in society? Have people always felt this way but everyone is just afraid to say it?
makes me alittle scared for our future.....
here is the link to the article....
1 month ago
I want to say something to make you feel better but no matter what I say it doen't change the way others are going to feel. I have tried to be supportive but I don't think I have a clue what you must really be feeling. Is it just me or are people here (in Lakeside) a little more understanding of him?
thanks sandi! im so glad i have a good friend like you.
i think honestly there are more understanding people in the world then not. But sometimes you just run across mean people. whattaya gonna do? i think living in a small town helps some because people know who my kids are, they know our family and i think that helps with understanding...i think the problem would most likely be with stangers making comments that are not appropriate or that maybe they dont really "get it" unless/until they have been around us for awhile.
But at the same time i can see as he gets bigger that people could fear him because he is big and strong and unpredicable.
Wow! I was shocked at that article. I have always been impressed by the way your family handles Quade and that you do take him out in public. Unfortunately there are rude and mean people who I guess we have to ignore. Hats off to you and your family for loving and supporting Quade! :)
I cannot believe that article. I personally think it is good that you take Quade out, it helps him learn and also gives me a teaching opportunity with my children. I like to be open and teach my children about different disabilities I think in regards to church everyone there feels like he is just as much a part of it as any other child there, and he needs to be there just like the rest of us. Maybe we should learn from him, he is open and loving to everyone.
thanks Lori! :)
Hi Francie,
I'm Nichole (the mom of twins twice) I'm so glad you left a message on the blog! My husband & I were cracking up! It's amazing how many people actually do have twins twice. You're the first I've talked with, but so many people tell me that they know of someone that does. I'm glad to hear that you thought it was easier the 2nd go round. I'm worried that it may be harder this time because I have 3 other kids, opposed to having just the two babies the first time. I'm sure I'll have questions you can answer about the boy/girl twin scenario! Looks like you've got an incredible family!
We love the name Sawyer but have never met anyone named Sawyer.(& we love Sawyer from Lost!) It's been our top choice for a long time now but we keep hearing that people are naming their girls Sawyer?! Have you run into that at all? Would that bother your son? Does he go by any nick-names? Do you pronounce it Saw or Soy? I say it like Soy but a lot of people tend to pronounce it Saw...I'm way over analyzing this, I know! I'm just excited to talk to someone about it! YOu've got great taste in names, we think Quade was is cool!
Your family is darling! We'll have to keep tabs on you :)
I would not worry about the people that are not understanding or rude. They obviously have never had any challenges in their lives. I know it's easier said than done. I also believe our society has changed and people do not have much tolerance. It is not fair to Quade to have to remain home. He loves people and life too much. Ignore that article. It has been good for me to be around Quade. He is a remarkable person.
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